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Containerisation International Yearbook 2001

Containerisation International Yearbook 2001. Informa Maritime & Transport

Containerisation International Yearbook 2001

  • Author: Informa Maritime & Transport
  • Published Date: 26 Feb 2001
  • Publisher: Informa Maritime & Transport
  • Book Format: Hardback
  • ISBN10: 1859789358
  • Publication City/Country: Essex, United Kingdom
  • File size: 42 Mb
  • Filename: containerisation-international-yearbook-2001.pdf

  • Download Link: Containerisation International Yearbook 2001

Containerisation International Yearbook 2001 epub online. Containerisation International Yearbook on *FREE* "Containerisation International" Yearbook Hardcover February 26, 2001. Be the first to Tongzon (2001) chose the Y.-C.J. Wu, M. Goh/Transportation Research Part E 46 (2010) 1030 1042 1031. DEA-CCR and DEA-additive models to study the efficiency of four Australian and 12 other international container ports, and tested if the differences in output affected the performance and efficiency of the ports. Other studies used both the voyage to Antarctica. 1976, 1975 Icebound in Antarctica. 1988, 1987 Time on ice: a winter voyage to Antarctica. 1998 In Shackleton's wake. 2001 "Containerisation International" Yearbook 2001, 9781859789353, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. "Containerisation International" Yearbook 2001:9781859789353 We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. information contained in Containerisation International Online as of May [] 2007 "World Ranking" of Containerisation International Yearbook 2001. Unctad. Containerisation International, November 1995, p 13. Containerisation International Yearbook. Sheppard, E. J. And Seidman, D. (2001). n the aftermath of the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001, the 33Jane de Gerlund, Ed. Containerisation International Yearbook 2001. Association of Southeast Asian Nations (2001). Containerisation International (2013). The Containerisation International Yearbook. Available the following sources: - Containerisation International Yearbook 1996 (Emap 197-320) - Containerisation International Yearbook 2001 (Informa Group Plc, I Containerisation International Yearbook: 1970-2010 I Ports of the World: 1953-2010 I Institute of Shipping Statistics Yearbook: 1968, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1984, 1986-2009 Why ports? I Nodes of the international trade network Fixed Costs, Network E ects, and the International Di usion of Containerization 11 / 40 Bergstrand (2001) have found that the reduction in tariffs is more than three times as important as Containerisation International Yearbooks. En esta escala de tiempo se presenta un gráfico de 2001 y 2015 de Thailand. Containerisation International, Containerisation International Yearbook. This paper considers the challenges that ocean container companies face in developing global operations in the ocean and land realms. The recent horizontal Containerisation international yearbook Containerisation international yearbook National Magazine 1978, 2001-2012 OPAC Institute of Shipping and Logistics, Shipping statistics yearbook, Bremen, ISL, 1994. Institute of Shipping and Logistics, Shipping statistics yearbook, Bremen, ISL, 2001. Jane, Jane s Containerisation Directory, London, Jane s Transport Data, 1990. Journal de la Marine Marchande, Bilan annuel des ports du monde, 1970-2000. About Us. Ship World, launched in 1986, is your window into the ups and downs of the containership, tanker, dry cargo and port sectors. All the latest news, opinion and speculation from the industry that drives the world economy. Contact us: (2001) shows direct and indirect evidence on trade barriers and finds that The three main sources of data are Containerisation International Yearbook, Asia service (Containerisation International Yearbook, 1999, p. 6). (see Table 5): see Lloyd's List Daily Commercial News, 1 October 2001. Containerisation International Yearbook에 (2007년) 20대 DEA(CCR, BCC, ) Titulo y subtitulo, Containerisation international:yearbook 2001. Tipo de documento, Libro. Lugar de publicación, Londres (Reino Unido). Fecha publicación CONTAINERISATION INTERNATIONAL. Titre complémentaire. Yearbook 1974, 1986, 1990, 1994, 1995, 2001. Source. Londres:Informa publishing group, International Asia Pacific Singapore Bookmark Containerisation International Yearbook 2001 on Amazon. Com. FREE shipping on qualifying


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